5 Tips for Better Health & Wellness
Good health and wellness are achievable but for many, it can be a struggle to keep on top of. Staying up watching a series, reaching for a snack, and sitting at a desk working for hours. We should enjoy many life pleasures, eating and drinking, work to achieve our goals, and spending time with our families having fun, but it’s all about balance. Balance of diet, rest, earning a living, and using our bodies in the best way we can.
To give you a little helping hand on your journey to better health and wellness, I have compiled five tips. These tips are a great place to start that you can adopt into your lifestyle. Once you start your journey, you will be able to create better habits and overall balanced well-being.
Tip 01 – Eat the rainbow
(I am not suggesting skittles here!!) One of the biggest benefits of bulking your diet with fruit and vegetables is that it keeps hunger at bay and stops you from reaching for the sweet treats. Vegetables have so many amazing health benefits; lowering blood pressure, fewer calories, increased immune system, faster injury recovery, and lowering your risk of catching colds and infections. Simply swapping out not-so-good food for colourful natural foods is an amazing way to give your body a real boost.
Tip 02 – Exercise
Incorporating exercise into your weekly schedule will provide you with better health and wellbeing. Even if you’re starting, there are small adjustments you can make that will make a big difference. If you sit at a desk to work, simply taking regular breaks to stretch your legs or going for a walk on your lunch break will help improve your mobility.
People who tend to see greater results in health and wellbeing exercise regularly. Increasing your heart rate through physical exercise around 3 times a week will improve your immune systems, reduce stress, help you lose weight, and make your feel good.
Start by making a small adjustment to your day-to-day. If you want to try some exercise from your own home without the pressure of going to a gym, check out my online group fitness classes.
Click here to see my online group fitness classes.
Tip 03 – Hydration
Our bodies are made up of 60% water and your body uses it in all its cells, organs, and tissues to help regulate its temperature and maintain other bodily functions. Water is a healthy and cheap choice for quenching your thirst at any time. It has no calories and contains no sugars that can damage teeth like that found in other drinks.
The NHS recommends that we drink 6-8 glasses of water per day. Doing something as simple as swapping a single coffee during the day or drinking water with your evening meal will provide your body with additional hydration. Good hydration will not only improve your bodily functions but also help you to think clearly by having increased oxygen flow to your brain.
Click here to check out my article all about ‘The Health Benefits of Hydration’
Tip 04 – Habits
Scrolling through social media at bedtime, snacks at 10 pm watching TV, and living off coffee to get you through the workday? Late-night purchase on Amazon, drinking too much, or trying to juggle work and a side hustle? Sound familiar?
Habits come in many shapes and sizes, some good and plenty not so good. Stopping bad habits can be tough, especially addictive ones such as smoking. I’m not about to say ‘stop all of your bad habits’ either, that would be too much.
What I can say is to start by being aware of them. Awareness of bad habits is the start of making positive changes. Once you know you want to make a change, start small. Lower or limit, to begin with, take your time and be patient.
Tip 05 – Rest
We can all be guilty of burning the candle at both ends, having fun and a late night, or watching too many episodes of an entertaining series. It’s a little too easy to not get the rest you need, especially if you’re a parent or juggling work and responsibilities. However, not getting the right rest for sustained periods leads to burnout. Yes, burnout is a real thing and unfortunately, I speak from a place of experience.
Getting the right rest, be that sleep, taking regular breaks from work, or escaping the chaos of family life is hugely important. It allows you to take stock of a situation, reflect, and your brain to process vital information. If you neglect the need for quality rest, your body will eventually tell you through feeling unwell.
Rather than reach the point where you are burnt out, take time for yourself, take a break and get the rest your body requires.
In conclusion
Having a healthy balance in your diet and active life can provide you with amazing outcomes. It helps you to feel good about yourself and a sense of achievement. You’re giving your body and mind what it needs to make good life choices and overall happier healthier life.
To take the next step on your wellness journey, why not enroll in my Wellness Training course where I will take you step-by-step through the 6 key areas of wellness.

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I designed my Wellness Training Course to make it easier to check-in with your wellness and start moving towards a happier life and a healthier future.
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